Monday, October 22, 2007

Rain, Rain, Go away!

Some days just don't go right. Very busy at work finishing up a 5 month long endeavor, now double-timing a second project, and then it rained.

Some neighbors gave us a couple of beautiful African Pygmy goats - but apparently they are dumb as rocks when it comes to near-freezing rain, such as the kind we received this morning.

After trying to convince said rocks-for-brains that the shelter over there was just as good as the one with 5 goats, and failing - I proceeded to drag, slosh, and curse said goats up to the other shed. When dragging failed, I threw them over the shoulder.

Oh, and then the dog got out of the field. So I dragged him up as well. Threw all the numbskulls into the pen and drug, slushed, and pleaded the "Why me?" back to the house.

Couple of hours later, meathead dog digs out under the gate and proceeds to chase chickens. Mind you, it's still pouring rain - and no, my dears, we ain't singing. So I then go to remove a poor chicken from the jaws of death.

Oy vey.... getting closer to the BBQ pit every day.


Anonymous said...

Oy vey, indeed!

Mark Zuniga said...

I like to reflect every once in a while about how blogging will change our lives. This kind of entry is a perfect example of that.

You and I have seen each other exactly once in the last 14 or 15 years. When we see each other again, it will be so hectic that there will be very little opportunity to talk in depth, but by reading your blog I get to see a part of your life I wouldn't otherwise.

I also envision this type of entry being enjoyable to future family members who want to know what grandpappy was like as a younger man. Like me, they'll probably envision you sludging around with that grin of yours, being perturbed enough to curse, but not enough to actually be offensive.

Convivialdingo said...

Very true - I suppose it may be one of the good things that come from our "connected" generation.

Either that, or grandsons will say "Grandpappy ate barbecued dogs? Cool!"

celogomama said...

Leave Jack outta this LOL He's just an overgrown pup.

The chickens and goats, however, will make for fine roasting.

After reading bunny's blog, I definitely think we should start raising sheep.

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