Tuesday, October 09, 2007

The Art of Brainstorming Flipped Upside Down

In an attempt to ramp up our creativity, we were taught to brainstorm.

I personally hated this activity, because I was already a very tangential thinker.

Looking back, I can see that, although I have always been repulsed by brainstorming, the praxis became the norm for me as an adult.

The consequences have been painful, and mostly unfruitful in a day-to-day sense.

My mind races through all possibilities, then succumbs under the weight of the mental diagram.

So, I am trying to give up something which seems ingrained in my thought processes.

This is not easy.

Please pray.


Unknown said...

I think brainstorming does not work well when done solo. Many ideas do not survive being explained to another person. Also, it seems that things I have known for a while don't really click (2+2=4) until I discuss things with someone.

celogomama said...
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celogomama said...

Well said. I don't recall many projects being a collaborative effort. Then again, there's a lot I have forgotten ;)