Saturday, May 05, 2007

More Presidential Fielding...

Wow it appears that Ron Paul won the Internet vote following the "Reagan Derby" as they called it. I'm not sure how that translates into the "real vote" as real people don't go voting on the Internet me thinks.

I think Rudy bombed out... I don't "personally" like Giuliani, though I do respect his past work in New York.

Mitt Romney was very, very polished. As far as the calm and collected vote goes - he won hands down. I think there's more tough questions ahead as he goes forward. Plus he gets some waffle points on the abortion issue.

My second favorite - Brownback - didn't stand out. I respect him for his unabashed stance on morality, but he seemed a clone in respect to his platform.

I also watched the Dem debate - and I was much more interested and enjoyed the debate enormously.

Obama was... surprisingly disappointing. He seemed nervous and didn't seem to connect. I did enjoy it when he debated Gravel - but it was almost comedy.

Gravel was the funnest - I appreciated his candor on many issues - even though they were far, far left.

Clinton was... bright. Oh, not because of her answers - but because that string of pearls seemed to saturate the whole TV screen. I still can't see why people love her so much.

I connected most with Richardson - perhaps because of his Southern background. He was friendly and showed some authority on the issues. Unfortunately I disagreed with most of his stances.

Dennis Kucinich was the most interesting of the Dems. He most impressed me with his candor and constitutional comments. He comes off a bit as a psychotherapist, though.

I think the biggest influence - outside of the mainstream candidates - is a call to return or enforce a real constitutional government from some of the "second-tier" candidates.

I'm undecided on the "just get out of Iraq" argument, to be honest. What good can come out of our presence there. Would the world regard us as weak or wise?

1 comment:

Kiki said...

On Iraq- the beauty of doing something so ill advised, and then executing it so poorly to boot, is that there are no good answers.

Staying = major problems
Leaving = see above