Tuesday, October 07, 2008

For those of you who believe...

Turns out just about EVERYTHING they taught me in school about "how the world works" what pure bologna.

First, I was surprised to learn that our stock markets are, and by law will be manipulated.  The plunge protection team is hard at work saving the DJIA & S&P from it's natural state these days.   Ever heard of the PPT, aka the Plunge Protection Team?

And of course if you only take BUY orders the market goes up:
"If this was purely electronic, it could have been down 1,200 or 1,300 [points] on the Dow," Bernie McSherry, a senior vice president with Cuttone & Co., the largest independent floor operator at the NYSE, told the news service.
You can't make this stuff up...  But I guess we should be glad.  Otherwise I'd be stocking up on toilet paper and beans right about now.


celogomama said...

Duuuude.. we've got a bucket of beans already LOL As for the TP, duly noted.

Johnny Ong said...

hmmmm even malaysians have the same thot as americans hahahhaha