Tuesday, July 22, 2008

One Stop Catechesis

I forgot to mention a real coup in assignment books.

Jeanne recommended Catholic Elementary Student Planner.

Coupled with the Teacher Planner, this agenda is loaded with excellent resources for living liturgically.

If your children's school does not issue an agenda, you might take a look at these.

Ours arrived today, and I am pleased as punch :)

Rita passed on her son's Faith First! CCD materials for grade 3 and 4. These are the workbooks used at St. Joseph's in Commerce.

I can not tell you how delighted I am. They integrate so many wonderous elements of our faith.

Imagine my surprise to see Julian of Norwich!! That's reachin' deep in the treasure chest!

Remember this?

Which Saint Are You?

You are Julian of Norwich! It's all about God, to you. You're convinced that the world has a happy ending. Everyone else is convinced that you're a closet hippie, but you love them anyway.
Take this quiz!

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