Friday, February 01, 2008

Contemplating Lent

Lent comes early this year... I believe the last time Lent began this early was 1856.

Can't quite recall what the bulletin said last week.

In any case, it has been a looooooong time since Lent began in this near a proximity to Christmas.

The Holy Father's Lenten Message is a rich study of the art of alms giving.

I can call it an art, because I know a handful of true alms-giving artists.

Oh, how I wish I could imitate them. They are amazingly generous folks.

And while I can give it all up to goodwill (and shop there, too), am I really showing solidarity with the "poorest of the poor."

No, I am not. And it is to my shame.

So, will I intellectualize the Holy Father's letter this year, or will I learn to live it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is amazing that Ash Wednesday is tomorrow -- so early! I still have leftover food from my father's birthday party this past Sunday (lots of pork). Won't be eating it (or much of anything,for that matter) tomorrow!