Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Thank you

If you know what's up with me, with us, then you can appreciate my current fondness for this song...

Thank You

In other news, I found a brand new bike trailer for the twins at a garage sale for less than half of the retail price. GREAT FIND! Far better than the one we had in our old house.

I have rearraged pictures in our home to tell little stories.

School plans are coming together beautifully!

Eldest daughter is now enrolled in ballet and Irish step dance

Eldest son started soccer practice this evening

Middle child can not wait to start school. Loves his new Go! Diego! Go! backpack and all it holds.

The bambinos learned to ride tricycles!! They love ice cream and dancing and singing.

This year is all about home... and the wonderful 7 it contains.

Peace, grace, love


Johnny Ong said...

my elder son is into taekwondo - green belt now.

my 4 yr old girl is into ballet also.

the daddy here is still mad abt soccer. thank God for the new season of english football - a man utd fan.

my wife? no liking for sports but took up line dance few mths back

The LQ said...

a house filled with a loving family -- doesn't get any better than that! :-)