Monday, August 27, 2007

My latest letter to TC

Thank you so much for publishing Therese J. Borchard's latest column. I am deeply grateful.

For I am one of the Marys she writes of, feeling my way through the dark corridors of the world that expects us all to be Marthas.

I found it providential Mrs. Borchard wrote of her experiences with the Missionaries of Charity.

I have been studying Mother Teresa and her companions for almost five years. I find her words the most intuitive approach to faith I have ever read.

Blessed Mother Teresa's love for "those in the distressing disquise of the poor," her conviction that a poverty of love was indeed more destructive than monetary poverty, and her affirmative response to Christ's invitation to "Be my Light" has helped me learn my place in this world.

I would like to invite others for whom Therese J. Borchard's article resonated to visit, to see if they perhaps find their apostolate, or at least a framework for their vocation, as I have.

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