Friday, January 06, 2006

On the same note...

According to WorldNetDaily, the Iranian President believes he's setting the world stage to bring about the Shi'te messiah.

The WND article is here

That's freakin' bizaar, and on the level of fanatical Christians hoping that the existance of a modern day Israel will bring about the second coming.

All I can imagine is Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.. except they're got nukes down there.

I'm Christian, but I know my place - it's plainly laid out in Revelations that neither you nor I will know the exact time of the second coming. Enjoy guessing, watch for the signs yes.. but the point is to always be prepared - not to get ready "just in time."


1 comment:

celogomama said...

hmm 2012 calculates as the end of time with hardline evangelicals *and* this guy? Scaaaarrryyy