Friday, January 13, 2006

Iran and the Big Threat

Just considering the news this morning - SUDDENLY most diplomats in Europe are about to come down on Iran. Russian is feeling the heat, and China is - as usual - being cautious.

Why the big change?? Well, we know that they broke their research moritorium and have proceeded to enrich nuclear materials.

But, in my misguided and probably wrong oppinion - I think it's Israel.

See, Iran's prez said he'd "wipe Israel" of the map last month, now he's enriching nuclear fissile materials. Inteligence said that they've got medium range missiles from Russia 4 years ago. They've got enough oil for the next 100 years - what's the rush with nuclear fission?

I think Israel went to the UN and said - you help us stop them, or we'll decorate Iran in green glass. Fact is - that the mere threat of nuclear retaliation has held the really bad dogs from jumping on Israel.

Once that advantage is gone - what's to keep the next Osama from devastating Israel and perhaps the Middle East? Perhaps it will be a real honest to goodness war, or perhaps it'll be a "unknown terrorist cell."

I think things are worse over there than the American public perceives it to be. Diplomats don't suddenly jump like they did today without a real and confirmed threat.


1 comment:

celogomama said...

This post jolted my brain into history mode. It is well documented that many Nazis made their way to the Middle East after WWII. Sure, a lot went to South America (I will never forget working in Berlin, and being asked by a passenger if I had anything to "send home to the 'good Germans' in Paraguay.") But it is an interesting fact that many a family migrated to the Middle East, set up shop, and continued to live a hard core, anti-semetic life. Most were scientists. This is just a footnote in the books, but it is scary to consider the consequences of the technology they took with them.

Many European nations have ties to the region due to their former colonization of it. For Europe to take a strong stand against Arabs is intriguing... perhaps the water is finally getting too hot.

Iran's President has certainly turned the boiler on. What should scare the heck out of us is if they form a coalition of some sort with Iraqi factions. That will definitely make the war on terror an even worse nightmare than it is projected to be.