Friday, May 23, 2008

Egg Chicken Chicken Egg

Ran across this while doing a little pre-doctor-visit research.

Lots of folks, my Mom and Nana included, would say, "You didn't know that?"

What we know intellectually and how we become accustomed to living can be so far apart at time as to cause despair.

I've had trouble sleeping at night since I was little.

After a traumatic event as a teenager, I could not sleep.

Add to this my beloved career in passenger service, when I was scheduled for late-night shifts.

Even after I left that career, I had become so accustomed to not being able to sleep til 2 or 3 am that it seemed "normal."

I met a lot of "normal" people along the way, too.

Didn't help (or hurt) that I married a man who's company name was "Nocturnal Networks." LOL

Long story short, I am trying very hard to live with enough sleep.

It feels weird, even selfish, because I had become accustomed to doing housework after the kids fell asleep.

In light of this "well, no kidding!" article, I have hope this might be a piece of the restorative puzzle.



Unknown said...

And in the morning, the cleaning fairy has again magically tidied the house while everybody was asleep!
/* Brian */

celogomama said...

Ooooooh! They really do exist then? I suspected as much. If anyone could confirm that, I bet it is your bonnie bride!

Convivialdingo said...

Oh man... I've always wanted a cleaning fairy!

celogomama said...

Duuuuuuuude... poor you only got celogo

Anonymous said...

Wow, that explains a lot! :-)

The Former Insomniac, now Sleep-Deprived Mom