Thursday, January 24, 2008

Penny Pinching

Used to be really good at pinching pennies til they were flat.

Given the economic outlook, I am trying really hard to rebuild this seemingly lost talent of mine.

A couple of things worth passing on...

Angel Food Ministries... find one near you!

Plant a small veggie garden. I have been shocked by price increases on veggies.

Ditch therapeutic shopping... find joy in new uses for old things.
You probably don't really need the extra window dressing.

Once or twice a year, buy bulk grains.
Ask to be put on the list at Rehoboth Ranch

For us, the big one is to stop picking up food when on the road.
Thankfully, our oldest 2 are sick of fast food.
Taking 5 kids out to eat in a restaurant is too much of a headache most day.
New mantra: You can wait til we get home.

Smile when you pay down that credit card, home loan, or car payment.

Simple things, really... but it sure beats agonizing over where the money goes.

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