Thursday, September 13, 2007

The things kids do...

So I'm finally settled down a bit from the trip to the hospital. Since I'm a "regular" there I figure I should start getting a discount... but no dice.

As a parent, I'm fairly used to this... Broken bones, spider bites, stitches, burns, scrapes, colds, shots, and everything in between.

It starts with the oldest child running in and crashing through the door with "So-and-so just..." and you don't even hear the rest of the words - you just jump and go. It's a ritual that you INSTANTLY jump into hero mode, or doctor mode, or whatever you call it.

But not this time...

As I arrived, I couldn't believe my eyes - poor little girl was playing with a bicycle, and got her finger stuck between the chain and the sprocket. As in - all I see is a chain, sprocket, and the tip of her finger sticking out. Her twin brother is screaming and other kids are staring in disbelief. So am I...

Oh my God. This is NOT on the list.

Removing fingers from sprockets is a careful thing to be done - and adrenaline does NOT help in this situation. Thankfully Mom's calm hands removed the finger as I turned the pedal without a yank and off we go to the hospital with a bag of ice.

Being a parent can be hell on the heart. Holding a screaming, hurt baby in the Emergency room is far worse than anything you could imagine. Looking into those tear filled eyes you realize how easy it is to fail, no matter what you do.

And so I pray, and love, and hope - because I know it's all I can do. She sleeps in my arms, clutching her hand with the other. I know the Doc can't do a thing - tiny bones and arteries are beyond medicine. I hold her swollen hand on the cold steel plate as we get X-Rayed. Another tear wells up. My finger is there, on the film with hers.

So now she's sleeping at home - she's going to be fine. Thank you, God.


Annamaria said...

Oh dear...glad there was no bigger hurt! Poor sweetie...

Anonymous said...

::big hugs::

I'm not a mommy yet, but I can relate, since I helped my mom raise my younger siblings when my dad was overseas.

::more hugs::