Monday, November 01, 2004

What about.. Gay Marriage?

And now for something completely different... (bad spelling aside)

We, Americans, are given in to a delima. Suddenly, with little warning(in terms of history), the nation is asked.. What about Gay Marriage?

From a conservative vantige, the first reaction is...why? What about "marriage" would a gay couple desire? Most gays I have known have not expressed a desire for children. Relationships, yes. Long term, some of them. But marriage, children, rent, debt... I don't know.

I have known many gay people, who are friends, school pals, etc. I grew up around some famous Ballet Dancers and beatniks.. maybe I just never asked? Most I knew were not so different you or me. Some where looking to buck the system, others simply had affections for someone they couldn't live without.

I admit, I can understand the desire to have gay marriage. Many gays I have known have suffered, both in society and in their personal lives. But such is life and love, really. Is marriage going to be a magic bullet for change? Will acceptance of gay marriage mean that suddenly life is without challenge?

I may be an odd duck, but I have never understood the disdain people hold for gays. Yes, I believe it is a sin. So are many things. But, in all things, I believe we are to at the very least try to live without sin. Even in the act of failure, God still loves us. All of us. So it goes for drinking, gossiping, bad sex, hatred of the good, and all sorts of sins. I won't get on the high horse, but God seems to have demanded goodness from us all. Not all can be saints, though.

What really concerns me, though, is not whether gay marriage is good. But, whether it is engineered, not to bring justice or equality, but to divide people. Simply put, is humanity working towards a harmony or discord. Why, in the last century has humanity spiraled toward division?

I believe it is the division of humanity, infuriated to hatred, which is the greatest sin of them all. Forget about your petty sins, because once the world is full of hatred, you can bet Cain and Able that it will be nasty.

A formula

It's an old Roman formula.. divide and conquer. Once people realize how little they have in common with each other, they will fight. All that is required is:
  1. Ignorance of Good
  2. Some form of -ism (commun, femin, rational, conservat, liberal, national, etc). We all seek to identify and belong to something
  3. Injustice
Add money, tanks, planes, and guns and you've got a sweet war. But what does this have to do with Gay Marriage? Nothing. Nevertheless, it will divide people eventually.

No matter what your opinion on something, if you have a strong opinion then there are ten others waiting to sublime you with rhetoric. A human, natural instinct is all it is.

WE hold these Truths to be self-evident
that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

Our nation was created on the premise of unalienable Rights.

"The concept of Man's rights being unalienable is based solely upon the belief in their Divine origin. Lacking this belief, there is no moral basis for any claim that they are unalienable or for any claim to the great benefits flowing from this concept." (The American Ideal of 1776)

Back to the Truths again
We, as Americans, are in for a rough ride. We stray ever further from the roots of our Nation, our Creator, and our true identities. We are manipulated and swindled of our Rights, by our own ignorance.

We are educated in trivialities, philosphers of television imagery. True discourse is supplanted with division and one line rhetoric.

We have lost the most important battle of our lives, which is our own Liberty. Like the lotus eaters, we forgot everything we inherited for a dropping of fruit. Mere intellectual arguments will not sway those who have eaten of the fruit.

In short...

I'm not equivicating gay marriage to our loss of liberty, but merely trying to open your eyes to the engineered division of humanity as a precursor to a new form of feudalism. This continued path of division will end in suffering, pain, and serfdom.

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