Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Speed Nihilists

Absolutely more blabbering for You, oh dearest of readers.

Reading more of the late Ivan Illich today. My Grandmother and Uncle both introduced him to his work.

Apparently the fixation with speed is apparently quite modern. I have had countless arguments with people over time, and the history of timeliness. That's for the next blog though... ( Thank you Bishop of Carthage )

Back to Falcons, Cranes, and Parmesians... and ohh yeah, belly dancers Here's the link. [PDF]


What intrigues me is that people knew that speed was not a successful tactic. The advent of the machine changed that. Now, modern culture desires to imitate the machine! Just look at the movies of late.. The Matrix (In the machine), AI (Kuberik) (Perfected Machine), Bourne Supremacy(Perfected Mankind), and the list goes on. It's like humanity is falling on a sword for a "highly styled and engineered" lump of metal and silicone.

My favorite quote:
"The suggestion of speed meant up-to-date, and high speed seemed as alluring as the latest body fashions. What you now propose goes much furthur: you can assume that everything is drenched in speed, the speed you want to control. This cannot but confirm the omnipresence and omnipotence of an addictive fix."

Admit it.. we are not immune either. I buy speed.. or perhaps speedy enough. Who wouldn't want to "save time!" Heavens, we must add that between the horned freckly frog and whales. So it goes...

Just a last note.. biologically, our brains are not speedy. They're actually very slow. What makes us seem fast is the specialization and parallelization of the brain. One would think ( speaking of fractals ) that humans would be more productive in parallel, rather than through individual speed. Just a thought.

Convivial Dingo

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