Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Catholic Meltdown

(update - New York times has broken the news mainstream)

(copied from my facebook note)
Those of you who know me over the years, have perhaps known my hesitation towards supporting the Legion of Christ & to a lesser extent, Regnum Christi.

For some time now - I've been pretty upset that these organizations have lived with a continual denial of unanswered questions and secrets. Now a few more secrets have come to light - and it's pretty ugly stuff for a Catholic order.

I've known about some of these things for a long time. Suffice it to say - that even with the knowledge of these abuses (both public, and still hidden) I still converted to the one, true Faith.

And I could take this opportunity to say I told you so. But, I just can't.

You have in your orders some of the very best people I know. And I mean that. I have to remember that our faith lies with Christ and his Church, not in misguided sins of humanity.

For all my friends in those orders, and who work for them - I pray that you can stay and demand Truth as well as you have demanded excellence and charity so far.

God bless you all.


Unknown said...

Although I am not that familiar with any details to which you allude, I have always felt that there is no place in the Universal Church for secrets. Also, if one feels that they have found a path to the Good life shouldn't the news be shared?

Anonymous said...

You knew about the abuses?

Convivialdingo said...

I don't have any direct knowledge about the abuses - but there have been many documented accusations.

The founder was asked by Pope Benedict to step down and live a life of prayer and repentance, presumably in light of these accusations.

I think the story here is that the leadership has begun to acknowledge their founders deep flaws, and there is an opportunity for repentance and justice.

Please pray for them, for Truth, and mercy. They are a part of the Catholic Church - and though their bazaar rules, secrecy and vows have long been a point of contention - most of them truly believe and love Christ.

The LQ said...

The rehabilitation of Lefevbrite bishops, and now this -- I can see how the outside world can look at sincere believers in the Catholic Church and ask them, "Why?"

Much prayers, indeed.

Unknown said...

I think that sometimes we need to take a look at ourselves and ask, "Are we worshiping God, or the church (or in this case, founder)?"

Amber Rose said...

Lq: Yup. I had a conversation with my uncle about organized religion the night before the news was out.

Heather: You've got that right!

The larger the group, the more scrutiny required.

I'm for the old days where a monastery was 10-12 folks who really strove for holiness - enough that it inspired the community around them to holiness.

Anything else seems to large to handle.

Convivialdingo said...

That's always been my distaste for the order from the beginning. I know I have always wondered - if there was a living, actual saint living down the road - would I believe it?

But it sometimes seems that Fr. Maciel was bent on legacy.

There's an interesting article by George Weigel on the subject: