Saturday, November 10, 2007

An Apple a Day :)

My husband is THE COOLEST man on earth!

For our annual equipment upgrade CD bought me an...IMAC!!!

This is very good for so many reasons, not the least of which I am a very visual/auditory person.

Yes, I can type the financial into any ol' spreadsheet, the way my brain functions, I need all of the WELL THOUGHT OUT visual cues I can get.

Not only does the 24" screen blow my mind, the thing is incredibly bright and resolution is astounding.

My eyes should adjust within the month. ;)

Furthermore (and important for serious architects) this magnificent machine will run MAC OSX, Linux, and Windows

And now, to express my humble appreciation:

1 comment:

Johnny Ong said...

i'm lookin forward to upgrade my home pc too. the latest desktop in the mkt comes with a quad core processor with 250GB harddisk, 256MB of video graphic selling at RM3,800 (RM3.50 = US$1.00)