Sunday, August 09, 2009

A new approach to cracking RSA...

I've spent 10 years tinkering with RSA factoring algorithms. Everybody needs a hobby, eh? I've tried many, many different approaches in solving the problem more efficiently than is currently practiced.

RSA factoring is plain stupidly simply. Find two prime numbers that are the factors of one very large number.

For example,


× 19008712816648221131268515739354139754718967899685154936

= 31074182404900437213507500358885679300373460228427275457

So far I've explored Russian Peasant division, bit multiplication shortcutting, bit reversal with vector unit multiplication, and traditional sieving and plain bruteforce. A few years back I happened across a new method - but it was only reliable in some cases. The fantastic news is that it when it did work - it was incredibly fast. I was able to factor 384 bit numbers in a few minutes, rather than hours.

I've lost the code, but I finally remembered the basic algorithm. And it occurred to me that perhaps it was simply a rounding error in my path decision algorithm.

Anyway - my "project rotation" is upon me again, and hopefully this time I will finally succeed.


Johnny Ong said...

goodness me, u have fondness for such numbers

Convivialdingo said...

LOL - it's simply a challenge I really enjoy. Everyone should have an impossible, yet conceivably attainable goal - it's human ingenuity at it's finest!