Thursday, July 10, 2008

I Found It!

Heard this on KETR--- our local university radio--- quite some time ago.

Could NOT remember the name of the band until tonight.

Hope you dig it.

In other news, some horrific yellow creature stung my hand when I was penning the goats up tonite. The Filter (TM) was luckily in place, otherwise my children's vocabulary would have changed dramatically for the worst. Sample outburst: OWWWWWWWWWW!

What I was really thinking: *!*@*#*$*@!*!($*%:@$*@)__%(#$)*(*)(%(#&*&#)($*!!!!!

Anywho... back to the musik

1 comment:

auntiemarm said...

Hey there Steph....Sorry bout the avispas....They are dreadful and make me wonder what creature really likes them...Certainly none that I know of! I am working on a blog too...Would love to have Brittany and Sean come over for a few days sometime this summer...Let me know your schedule.
Luv u