Thursday, April 10, 2008

Papa Sends His Love

Too cool! I have read the transcript, but the actual video is really a sweet treasure.

Love you, too, PAPA!

Update: Peggy Noonan's article on BXVI is nice
Except for this excerpt:
Another small fear, born of hearing him last week at the mass. Benedict spoke in many languages including English, which he speaks fluidly and with a strong German accent. This is an accent that 60 years of World War II movies have taught Americans to hear as vaguely sinister, or comic. The nicer commentators may say he sounds like Col. Klink in "Hogan's Heroes." I hope he speaks even more than usual about love, for that may remove the sting, as love does.

Blech. Dreck. Heck.

Maybe I have somewhat rose-colored glasses on, but I know so many people who studied German in high school or university that I am shocked by this.

But then again, I have the most special friends in the world. Real Treasures!

When I HEARD the video above, it was a soothing balm to hear that sweet, distinctly Bavarian accented English.

Am I the only one who just loves that sound?

Guess it doesn't matter.

HEY! Noonan also notes Papa will turn 81 during his visit state-side. Think I'll post a video of my kids singing him Happy Birthday!

Catch ya later


Annamaria said...

No, that was kind of jarring to me too. I think that was the typical East Coaster talking there.... a bit elitist for me, like a lot of her writing.
Hee! Definitely post that video...

celogomama said...

I'll have to do it tomorrow.

At bedtime prayers, we did sing "Happy Birthday!"

Then CD mentioned they also sang "Hoch soll'n Sie leben" in Washington, so we belted it out, too!

Definitely video worthy. Will try to capture it tomorrow.


celogomama said...

Anytime I say I'll do something on a Thursday, just assume I mean Friday.

exhausted drive-about-town mama