Saturday, September 29, 2007

Gardening take 10000

Well, after many years of frustration, silliness and apathy,
I am returning to the only method of gardening that has ever worked well for me...


I am doing this because I'm
-Tired of not having time to weed properly
-Tired of tilling this wacky gumbo
-Tired of grass growing so quickly as to completely overtake the garden in 1 rainy week
-I want to dig an irrigation trench (man-made creek) anyway, so the containers will be the destination of the trench soil.

That, and wow did the plants at the coop look great yesterday!
I am ready to grow some onions, garlic, broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, tomatoes and cilantro

Now that I realize hobby farming is a matter of convenience, I really enjoy it!
What did I imagine previously? You really don't want to know that, because it was ridiculous.

Molly goat is about ready to visit our friend's buck in a couple of weeks. We're hoping she'll kid more does next time.

The hens started laying eggs last week! Hurray! No more running out to buy a dozen when 2 eggs are called for.

We celebrated the autumnal equinox with coffee, hot chocolate, apple cinnamon tea, B's famous coffee cake, beautiful orange, yellow, red paper chains, and a 7 foot homemade poster.

May the heat of the summer be gone for the remainder of the season!


Anonymous said...

Hey, how about "lasagna gardening"? It's a variation of container gardening, but on a larger scale. I've blogged about it a few times, and that's how the Hubby and I have been growing our tomatoes out back.

I have the book on lasagna gardening if you want to borrow it. :-)

celogomama said...

Hi, LQ!

Sounds interesting! We had initially thought to do a "gardens of the world" theme... I'd enjoy seeing your book!

See you soon, I hope! Been having trouble finding a sitter, so we could come out without the noize.