Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Mea Culpa

Well, it sounds like a lot of folks came down with a horrid tummy bug shortly after the annual shindig.

I am so, so, soooooo s*o*r*r*y.

Even my Mom caught it!

What she has, and others are describing, is downright ungodly, and I might add, a heckuva lot worse than what my family went through last week.

However, I came down with the milder bug (eek!) Saturday night at midnight, and B came down with the milder bug (double eek!) Sunday.

So I am left to wonder... is it our fault the area's community colleges and businesses are lacking their brightest talent this week?

Egads, I pray it isn't so, but could be.

If so, I would like to humbly submit that I am überconscientious about spreading disease. We *were* illness free for 48 hours before the party, because if there's one thing I *hate*, it's when people share sickness.

And so, I also humbly submit: I coulda goofed, and a lot of people seem to be suffering badly, so mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa, dear friends.


Anonymous said...

Some of the symptoms were food-poisoning-ish, so don't worry about it: it's possible that somebody's food just got caught in SATURDAY'S GREAT TEMPERATURE SWING and it started to bubble and boil inside w/o anybody able to realize it.

That happened to my grandma once in a picnic, and they didn't realize the egg salad had gone off until they had a dozen people dead. Let's hear it for James Baird's grandma when she says "screw the good old days!"

celogomama said...

LOL... hadn't heard that one.

Well, anyway, be warned...

Mom went to the dr. today, because she's been sick several days, felt dehydrated, w/ aches and fevers.

She has influenza. Shock!

Anonymous said...

I do not blame you guys. You were cautious. Also, because we knew your kids had been sick, Heather and I considered not going and decided to go. Well, I felt much better today. It no longer feels as if my bowels are tangled in knots, but I was simply exhausted today. I called in sick, crawled back in bed, and slept for another six hours.

celogomama said...

Bri, if it's lasted this many days, you really should be checked for influenza. Beware particularly signs of dehyradtion. Hope you get much better, very quickly!!

Anonymous said...

I fought it for two days, was out sick for one day, and was out exhausted the fourth. If it's the flu, what's the point of going to the doctor? You can't take antibiotics for a virus. Just get some Pedialyte for the dehydration and try not to get anyone else sick while you let it run its course.

Anonymous said...

BTW, I'm feeling much better today and have gone back to work.

celogomama said...

That's good news! Glad you're back up and about!