Wednesday, July 26, 2006

And she did cut a wide swath

And she did then take up her machinery
And she did cut a wide swath
That the hens might have hay
With which to build nests
For the time of their laying was fast approaching
Also that her children might run amok
In ever wider, open pastures
For twas the season of heat
But yea verily upon eveningtide
Twas cool enough that 91 felt like 68
And at such a time, the children could make merry
Romping through the fields with utter abandon and sheer delight

And it was good...
for as the heat relinquished its brutal grip upon the land
something outside the confines of the home was accomplished

That 'bout sums up my evening...
Does anybody really read this goofy stuff?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YUP! :-)