Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The lima beans are, uh, lacking??

Boy, what a crummy day. Started out with a trip to a new dentist, who referred the mama to an oral surgeon. But only after prescribing hefty doses of antibiotics and pain meds. I have grown accustomed to breaking teeth after having a baby. A small price to pay IMHO. But this, well, this just bites.

On top of that, 3 orphaned kittens died. That the kids *loved*, fed, blanketed, and cuddled for 3 days. Eldest is devastated. The whole "life on a farm" speech failed utterly (quite understandably)

And then to top it all off, I fell while painted the kids' bathroom. Hard. On my back. Indeed, I am up at this late hour solely because I dread the pain and stiffness tomorrow will bring.

On the brighter side of things, I planted a pumpkin plant that is blooming! The bathroom *is* mostly painted a really cool deep blue. I dug the post holes for the toddler playground the twins are getting for their birthday (which is this Friday!!!) And our grocery store sent us coupons for 2 free birthday cakes (how cool is that?!) Also, we've got a line on 2 sets of bunkbeds for an unbelivable price.

So there is still good in the world. Being in it just hurts more than usual today.


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