What a WEEK!
It all really started Friday, with the local parade.
My multiples group took home the Theme Award. The theme was, "There was an old woman who lived in a shoe..." Stop me if you've heard it before, but don't tell me if you think it applies to me
personally (grin)
On Saturday, one of our loving Grandmas let the kids spend the day so CD and I could shop.
Shop we did, almost to the point of being DONE.
We had a very nice Hungarian Goulash, bread, pumpkin bread, coffee, grins and giggles with HC and bunny.
The time passed way too fast (always a sign of a great visit.) For we had, at 4 pm, not yet completed said shopping.
Which made me sad, because I sooooo wanted to pop over to LQ's to see the family!
Woe unto us... for traffic around major intersections and shopping centers was HEAVY.
Sunday was a blast... Lil' Joe is now 5. Go ahead... shake your little noggin in amazement. Seems like yesterday I was put in the hospital for a systemic infection on his 2nd birthday.
He wanted to have his bday at Grandma's, so we did. Woo-hoo, we had a blast!
Monday was normal. We've hit a stopping point in school. Eldest is ready to add German (coooool) to her curriculum, S is a VORACIOUS reader and ready to start adding hundreds together, and J has learned to write his name correctly, and finished his pre-K math book. CD is an awesome project coordinator. He headed up a very cool wreath making session.
Tuesday... busy busy busy. Thanks to B, we made Christmas tree ornaments by making crochet chains with beads in them, and paper chains.
Wednesday was quiet.
Thursday was J's friends' party, which actually began when he went to school. He and 4 friends had a great time. Afterward, we went to McDonalds for more fun with even MORE friends. Then, all 12 children came over to our house to play for another couple of hours. Wow... what a way to kick off a wonderful year!
Friday... oh...man. Dental work. 2.5 hours in the chair. At least we're making progress. In case anyone wonders, 2088 is all about me becoming more like... me. Thanks to doctors, dentists, hair stylists, and possibly 10 acre walks in the spring.
After dance class, we headed out for the Multiples Group Pirates & Princesses Christmas party. What a FUN bunch of families. I resolve to be a better group memeber in 2008.
So, everything is well, and next week we bake, bake, bake!
Wishing you a wonderful rosy pink 3rd week of Advent!